Showing posts with label desk ergonomics chiropractor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desk ergonomics chiropractor. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Heavy purses are the pathway to pain!

The purse of today has passed by the tasteful clutch of Audrey Hepburn, skipped past the utilitarian hand bag of your mom and stomped into the realm of back-pack carry all of GI Joe.  
Stuffed full with mobile phone, iPad, umbrella, diary, make-up, book, water bottle and – yes, it is true – often another purse. It is not uncommon to find women toting around bags weighing more than 15 pounds. 
Is this a bad thing? When has being prepared ever been bad? Plus, imagine all the extra exercise achieved by lugging around a heavy bag.  
The problem centres around the compensations we make in posture to carry these bags and the injuries that develop over time. 

Head and neck 
The first compensation is at the top. When carrying a bag, the head and neck naturally leans in the opposite direction to help offset the weight. This creates tension on the side of the neck with the load and compression of the joints on the other side. Unfortunately, the brachial plexus (the bundle of nerves that travel from the neck down the arm) is also where all this stress is being placed. Aside from compressing this bundle of nerves we can also cause neck pain and muscle inflammation.  
This problem can manifest itself as chronic neck pain or blow up into an acute episode of neck spasm. Usually there is the complaint of a nagging ache that runs down the neck, across the top of the shoulder blade, and over to the arm. This curved crescent of discomfort frequently gets worse and worse until one day a trivial movement causes sudden agony with muscle spasm, pinched joints and irritated nerves.  

Shoulders and back 
The shoulder carrying the purse is elevated and rotated either forward or backwards. The muscles supporting the spine, shoulder and upper back will eventually tire and spasm. Fatigued muscles don’t hold the spine correctly, creating poor posture and overloading of the spine joints.  
Over time, the joints of the spine wear and this can lead to premature arthritis. Even the discs, the cartilage cushions between the vertebrae, can start to degenerate. If the disc structure deteriorates enough, a painful herniation of the inner disc pulp can develop. 

Our arms are meant to swing while walking to create a natural balancing mechanism. When carrying a bag, that arm remains relatively motionless to keep the load under control. 
Disrupting the normal walking mechanism creates an unbalanced walk, which creates a greater physical toll on the rest of the body. Carrying a bag in the crook of the arm rather than the shoulder can lead to overloading the bicep causing fatigue and tendonitis.  

Hips and legs 
The body compensates for the altered balance of the gait by taking shorter steps. Couple this altered gait with the extra load placed on the hip and knee joints from the overloaded purse and the legs are working much harder to walk than necessary.  
These compensations are even more pronounced when you throw high heels into the mix.  

How to shoulder the load 
The sad truth is that the fanny pack of yesteryear was the best way to carry a purse. Assuming that isn’t much of a solution for you, then there are other strategies that can be employed. 
Limit the load: Do you really need to carry a water bottle with you? Are you travelling that far from civilization? 
Switch it up: Move the bag from side to side at regular intervals; give the muscles a chance to rest. 
Wide straps will better distribute the pressure of the bag across the shoulder. 
Keep it close: The mass of the bag should be kept close to your centre of mass – like a fanny pack. 
Remember the mailman: A satchel bag with the strap across the body can better balance the weight. 
Strap it short: Long straps lead to the bag bumping into your hips and the momentum of a swinging bag leads to imbalance.  
The American Chiropractic Association recommends a bag weighs no more than 10 per cent of a person’s total body weight (between 12 to 15 pounds for the average woman). 
Get military: Throw the shoulders back and the chest forward; avoid the slouching posture that shoulder straps encourage. 
Balance it out: Try carrying a bag on one shoulder and a short-handled tote in the other hand, so you’re balanced. 
Warning signs 
Warning signs that you may be on your way to a big-bag injury include an ache in the shoulder blade area and frequent neck stiffness. Headaches and pain radiating 
down the arm are also symptoms.  
If you’re noticing these signs and they don’t improve with rest and stretching, it is time to visit your chiropractor – take the small purse.                                                - Dr. Jemal Khan

At Andolina Chiropractic & Rehab of Woodbridge, it is far too common to see women carrying purses up to 20 lbs.  For some reason, women think it is necessary to carry all of their belongings in their purse.  Men don't have an issue with just carrying a wallet.  I know that there are certain products that women must carry that men do not, but try not to get carried away and think that just because there is room, you should fill the space.  The heavier the bag, the higher probability of muscular/postural imbalances and an increase in pain.  Keep it simple, and keep it light!

Above you see the X-Ray of a person carrying a large purse.  You can see how much your body has to compensate for the weight.  Over time this can cause injury and chronic pain.  If you notice that you are starting to have pain in areas noted in the article above, schedule treatment at Andolina Chiropractic & Rehab of Woodbridge at 703-490-8383 or online at
- Chiropractor , Physiotherapist
  Woodbridge, VA 22192

1455 Old Bridge Road, Suite 202
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Raking Leaves

Raking Leaves

Before you rev up the lawnmower or reach for your rake this fall, consider the possible consequences: upper or lower-back strain, neck strain and pain in the shoulders.

Just as playing football or golf can injure your body, the twisting, turning, bending, and reaching of mowing and raking can also cause injury if your body is not prepared. Like an athlete, if you leap into something without warming up or knowing how to do it, the chances of injury are greater.

What Can You Do?
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) offers the following tips to help prevent the needless pain yard work may cause.
  • Do stretching exercises, without bouncing, for a total of 10 to 15 minutes spread over the course of your work. Do knee-to-chest pulls, trunk rotations, and side bends with hands above your head and fingers locked. Take a short walk to stimulate circulation. When finished with the yard work, repeat the stretching exercises.
  • Stand as straight as possible, and keep your head up as you rake or mow.
  • When it's still warm outside, avoid the heat. If you're a morning person, get the work done before 10 a.m. Otherwise, do your chores after 6 p.m.
  • When raking, use a "scissors" stance: right foot forward and left foot back for a few minutes, then reverse, putting your left foot forward and right foot back.
  • Bend at the knees, not the waist, as you pick up piles of leaves or grass from the grass catcher. Make the piles small to decrease the possibility of back strain.
  • When mowing, use your whole bodyweight to push the mower, rather than just your arms and back.
  • If your mower has a pull cord, don't twist at the waist or yank the cord. Instead, bend at the knees and pull in one smooth motion.
  • Drink lots of water, wear a hat, shoes and protective glasses. And, to avoid blisters, try wearing gloves. If your equipment is loud, wear hearing protection. If you have asthma or allergies, wear a mask.
  • Try ergonomic tools, too. They're engineered to protect you when used properly.
  • If you do feel soreness or stiffness in your back, use ice to soothe the discomfort. If there's no improvement in two or three days, see your local doctor of chiropractic.
For all of you in the Woodbridge, VA area, fall is here and leaves will be changing colors and falling in no time.  Be careful when busting out those rakes for another season.  Luckily there are less woods and more pavement around here. For everyone back home in NY...well, you better already have your snow shovels out!

Dr. Nicholas J. Andolina
- Chiropractor , Physiotherapist
  Woodbridge, VA 22192

1455 Old Bridge Road, Suite 202
Woodbridge, VA 22192

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Neck and back pain from sitting at work?

7 Ways to Stay Limber at Your Desk Job

You may be one of the millions of people who spend their days at desk jobs, staring at computer screens — day after day after day. Is this detrimental to your health? If the ergonomics of your desk set-up are not right and you're not taking breaks for stretching, you risk health woes such as a stiff spine or computer eye strain.
"Twenty years ago, chiropractors spent most of their time taking care of people who moved too much. Today most of the problems we see are in people who don't move enough," says chiropractor Eric Plasker, DC, founder of The Family Practice in Marietta, Ga., and author of The 100-Year Lifestyle Workout.
The Price You Pay for Sitting All Day
People were not meant to sit in a cramped position all day. "Your body needs to be in motion to be healthy," says Plasker. "Without movement, your muscles and ligaments don't get a good blood supply."
Here are some ways sitting at a desk for long hours negatively affects your health:
  • Spine damage. "Sitting all day can result in a pinched nerve or a herniated disc. Damage to your spine may not affect longevity, but it will affect the quality of longevity," says Plasker.
  • Computer eye strain. Almost 90 percent of people who use a computer for three or more hours a day have symptoms of computer eye strain. These symptoms include blurred vision, headaches, and neck aches.
  • Heart health. "A desk job that keeps you sitting all day can lead to being overweight and underactive. That is bad for your heart and it can decrease longevity," notes Plasker. "When you are sitting, you are not burning calories and you are not getting the aerobic exercise your heart needs."
Desk Job Dos and Don'ts
Most Americans sit down to work. Poor posture, prolonged sitting, and poorly thought-out work stations are major causes of back and neck pain and for time lost at work.
These tips can help:
  1. Practice good ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace to fit the worker. Keep your computer directly in front of you, slightly below eye level. Have your hands reach the keyboard without having to bend your wrists; have good back support; and have your weight evenly distributed. "If you are craning your neck all day to see your computer, you will strain your eyes and your neck," warns Plasker.
  2. Maintain good posture. "Good ergonomics won't do you much good if you have bad posture,” says Plasker. “From behind, your back should be straight. From the side, your lower back and neck should maintain their normal curves. Twisting, slouching, or stretching and extending your back or neck can cause pain and damage.”
  3. Follow the 50-10 rule. "That means for every 50 minutes of sitting, you need to get up and move around for 10 minutes — and that doesn't mean getting up to go sit somewhere else," says Plasker. "Walking for 10 minutes is a great exercise. It gets your hips and lower back in motion and gets your heart pumping."
  4. Take the stairs. "Using the stairs is a good aerobic activity. This increases your aerobic activity and your range of motion," explains Plasker.
  5. Stretch your back. "Bend forward and touch your toes. If you can't make it down to your toes, just touch your knees. Keep your knees just slightly bent," says Plasker. You can relieve the pressure in the small of your back by putting your hands on your hips and leaning back while looking up.
  6. Stretch your neck. "It's best not to roll your head around in circles," advises Plasker. "Just tilt your head forward, backward, and from side to side." You can add some gentle pressure to these stretch positions by pushing your head with your hand. Stretch positions should be held for about 30 seconds.
  7. Loosen your upper back. You can relieve the tension in your shoulders and upper back by keeping your arms at your sides with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Now flex your shoulders backward, squeezing your shoulder blades together. You can also get relief by letting your arms hang straight down and rolling your shoulders upward and backward. Repeat these exercises about 10 times.- Chris Iliades, MD Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH
You may be stuck with a desk job, but that doesn’t mean you should stay stuck at your desk. For health and longevity, get up and get moving.
In Woodbridge and the entire DC metro region, most jobs seem to involve people sitting at a desk for 8 hours per day.  As explained in this article, days like this can cause postural changes, muscle imbalances, and an immense amount of pain.  If you have neck or back pain due to poor ergonomics at work and are looking for a chiropractor in Woodbridge, give us a call at Andolina Chiropractic & Rehab!
Dr. Nicholas J. Andolina
- Chiropractor , Physiotherapist
  Woodbridge, VA 22192

1455 Old Bridge Road, Suite 202
Woodbridge, VA 22192